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  • Changed application name to Love Quotes 500. Thank you for your continued use of this application.

  • ngenerator
    May 3, 01:51 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

    Fees for the data for that one device. But please don't start a "tethering is awesome v. tethering is against the rules" war here, there's plenty of other threads for that.

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  • Love Quotes (Free!) for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the iTunes App Store

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:28 PM
    Unfortunately this is EXACTLY why Apple ISN'T producing a headless mid-range Mac. They will lose out tremendously on display sales. They either want to sell you a display within the unit (iMac, MacBooks) or sell you a display with the unit (Mini, Pro). Mini users will buy one because A. they're in the store and B. don't know any better. Pro users will buy one because they are top-of-the line, beautiful screens and they, generally, have money to burn. Mid-range users (and prosumers) know well enough that they can get a cheap, good-enough monitor for $200 from NewEgg or eBay (for the daring). Instead, we prosumers either have to settle for the iMac or splurge on the Mac Pro.

    Mmmh - i see it a little different:

    Why shouldn't the so-called "prosumers" be interested in beautiful and top-of-the-line monitors as well as the "pros"? Even worse - the target clientel for a Pro computer often earn their living on those machines and they might need raw power, but not necessarily a "beautiful" screen - especially if the old one would still do its work.

    Thus i would suspect prosumers to be more willing to "burn some money" for a nice Apple screen just because it fits their lifestyle, than someone who has to invest to earn money on it. And don't forget how Apple introduced the mini - it was targetted at users who ALREADY OWN a monitor (and keyboard and mouse).

    So one of the main target groups for Apple monitors would be exactly the clientel which currently is not able to find something proper: A more powerful computer than the mini, but less pricey than a Mac Pro.

    Therefore the gap between a mini and a Mac Pro is a little big indeed! Not only because of the initial purchase cost, but also because of the cost following when you have to buy "pro" equipment (like e.g. memory) at "pro" prices as well...!

    The iMac aims at a completely different audience here and is a good complement, but never a replacement for a mid-class machine.

    If Apple wants to continue to grow they HAVE to differentiate their lineup a little more! Personally i would not mind if they would do it in the stylish area and bring up some acrylic beauty again or even introduce some really new (or at least different) ideas. But it is not that important as long as the they eventually close that huge gap!


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  • Jaymes
    Mar 28, 02:51 PM
    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    Are you new to the design awards? They have existed for years without the App Store. It used to to be that you would submit your app to Apple prior to WWDC. Why would an App Store be required?

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  • grmatt
    Sep 28, 12:52 PM
    It looks so long and narrow...



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  • PhoneyDeveloper
    Apr 26, 10:22 PM
    Nekbeth, you didn't thank Philip Endecott, who posted the solution to your problem on the Apple forum about three hours before wlh99 posted essentially the same solution here.

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  • R.Perez
    Apr 26, 05:17 PM
    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing


    Your ignorance related to trans issues is really showing here. I suggest you do a little research on this topic next time around.

    She is a woman plain and simple, what is or isn't between her legs does not matter one bit IMO.


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  • Half Glass
    Jan 9, 05:12 PM
    The keynote has been posted


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  • aeaglex07
    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    I noticed most of the criticism stems from the changes in iCal and Address Book which are both disgusting. Sadly they havent changed yet


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  • lukenorris
    Jan 11, 11:53 PM
    I wonder if this device turns off movie projectors?


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  • baryon
    Apr 5, 04:46 PM
    I don't know why you people don't like this. Apple announced iAds like a year ago, and I still haven't seen a single one. I'm simply curious about seeing at least one iAd to see what all the fuss is about. This App allows you to see an iAd so you can know what it is, as no one has actually really implemented them yet. This is probably the only place that has iAds in.


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  • Puppies
    Nov 23, 05:24 PM
    We'll see if Macbook/Pro discounts are enough to sway me towards one :)

    In any event, it gives me an excuse to click on tomorrow.

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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 03:03 AM
    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video, and shouldn't apple change the name of itunes at this point, since it is now a multimedia piece of software?

    Would you prefer OS X Media Player?:eek:


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  • Kent3205
    May 3, 08:58 PM
    This might be a little off topic but the following comment:

    "One of the main promotional points of Android as its popularity has soared has been the unregulated nature of the app marketplaces for the platform."

    reminded me that I have some degree of comfort that Apple screens apps so that I don't inadvertently download something which is actually a virus, steals passwords and other personal information, or does something else nasty.

    Perhaps I am unduly comforted and there is some iTunes fine print that says they don't check for that sort of stuff. Otherwise I would have thought Apple could have used the "safety" aspect in it's marketing, and created some fear for Andriod users around they really know what they are getting.

    In that way iTunes aspp store is sort of a big condom for your iPhone - pure protection.

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  • Xenc
    Apr 5, 05:55 PM
    Looks good. Is there an ad-free version?


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  • Timepass
    Aug 7, 09:51 PM
    Did you bother to read my whole post? Or were you too excited upon you first glorious revelation?

    And maybe I'm not familiar enough with the LCD production process, but I understood that the pixel size was part of the panel so a 24 inch slab would have more pixels than a 23 inch slab. Both monitors have the same resolution.

    I also asked how Dell claims greater contrast ratio and brightness (800:1 and 300cd/m2 on the 20 inch) than the Apple? Either someone's lying, or they aren't using identical parts.

    edit: BTW, I'm just asking some simple questions trying to clear up my own confusion, there's no need to be a prick

    umm no neither is lying. They both are using the same panel but DIFFERENT backlights. Dell back lights are brighter so it allows for a larger contrast ratio and more cd/m2

    edit: The panel is pretty much just a color filter. It takes the white light from the back light and filters it colors for what you see on the screen (it more complex than that but it is the simplest way to explain it)

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  • Sesshi
    Jan 12, 07:24 PM
    I'm quite surprised that the fact that Jobs is a smug, egotistical sociopath is news. You have to be, to be that good.


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  • dmelgar
    Jul 21, 10:52 AM
    Really classy apple. Try to cover up your mistake by confusing users and trying to insult competitors you didn't think you even had to worry about.

    Apple continues to disappoint in surprising ways. What happened to the focus on building great products?

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  • bakerzdosen
    Nov 23, 04:30 PM
    I haven't seen a lower price on the iSight I bought last year on BF $135 shipped incl tax. (With one possible exception, and that was a clearance/misprint at microcenter that they still honored in a couple cases.) I only paid slightly less for a used one on eBay a month before - and it's an earlier revision. Sometimes it's not that bad of a deal.

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 8, 02:11 PM
    Best Buy = Worst Buy.. I hold my opinion that they are worst buy.

    Apr 30, 01:12 AM
    Don't really see the point of making OSX look like something that was designed to be used with a touch interface when they specifically said there would be no mac device with a touch screen.

    Good thing they are changing it up, I hope we don't get an orange faux-cuir iCal. I can just see what great inspiration that'll be to so many great designers of the App Store :rolleyes:

    Apr 29, 07:26 PM
    I hate to say it, but Windows 7 with their translucent plastic is TEN TIMES more attractive than Mac OSX.

    I personally find that the "translucent plastic" in Windows 7 looks like it was ripped off from the 90s and a bad Linux window manager. Seriously, it screams "look at me, I'm trying too hard!".

    And it's a complete rip-off of KDE 4.x.

    Apr 26, 10:29 AM
    I'm aware of that ulbador, and my point is that like any other language.. you get better with time & practice. Nobody FORCES you or dejo to read my threads, or answer them. If you see lack of objective-C fundamentals, just go to another thread (for Pros), is that simple. Some people like to help, others laugh, others ignore you or get frustrated because they can't read ... who cares man, if you don't like the thread just go to another one but never try to discourage a person who's starting to learn, that I'm against.

    (about the code) Thanks for pointing that out, I needed a variable, after that I created a timer appropriately and used the variable as a reference to trigger my cancel methods (invalidate).

    Jan 16, 11:24 AM
    The keynote had what I expected (talk of iPhone, iTunes, and MBP.) However, I didn't know about Time Capsule, which I must say is a cool little product if you don't currently own a router. Also really loved the updates to the :apple:tv.

    Underwhelming keynote? Possibly, but one cannot say it did not at least deliver some interesting stuff.

    Apr 27, 12:59 PM
    When did I say anything about what people are "entitled" to be???

    You and leekohler have just created a strawman before our very eyes. Very impressive.

    You're basically saying we're not women/men by having such strict and naive definitions of gender, thankfully you're in the minority.

    Why is it so difficult to simply broaden your understanding of what woman/man actually means? If you want to point out that I'm genetically XY like it means a damn be my guest, otherwise your whole viewpoint can get stuffed.

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